Kubernetes Crash Course From TechWorld with Nana



- K8s: Full blown Kubernetes. 3 x K8s masters, 3 x etcd, 2 x Ingress plus your worker nodes

  • K3s: Designed to be a single binary of less than 40MB that completely implements the Kubernetes API. In order to achieve this, they removed a lot of extra drivers that didn't need to be part of the core and are easily replaced with add-ons.


    • Kubrenebts is OSS orchestration tool
    • Developed by Google
    • Help you manage containerized applications
    • How Kubernetes can help you?
      • Move from Monolithic to Microservices
        • Apps divided to microservices
      • Manage those containers (that could be 100 or more)
    • What features Kubernetes offers ?
      • HA
      • Scalability
      • DR - backup and restore

Kubernetes Architecture

K8 Architecture
  • Kubelet: agent that the cluster use to communicate.
  • Master node:
    • Important K8s processes that are running here to manage the cluster
      • API server:
        • Entry point to K8s cluster
          • Different clients talks to. like UI or CLI
      • Controller Manager:
        • Keep tracks of what happening in the cluster, if an application die and needs to be restarted etc.
      • Scheduler:
        • Intelligent scheduler to Pods, and decide which node the Pod should be scheduled depending on utilization
      • ETCD
        • K8 backing store (key/value): Hold all the data on the cluster (Pods status etc ) - so recovery usually starts with this storage.
      • Virtual network

Kubernetes Main Component

## Kubernetes Main Component
Pod close look
  • Pod: the square in blue

    • Smallest unit in Kubernetes.
    • A layer on top of Container, so regardless of container technology - Kubrenetes abstract that away that from you.
    • Usually 1 Application per Pod
    • Each Pod get an IP (internal IP)
    • Pod: are ephemeral , so when Pod dies because he applications inside it dies, another Pod get created and get a new ip address
  • Service:

    • DNS name.
    • It acts as load balancer between Pods.
    • Permeant ip than can be attached to the Pod
    • Lifecycle of Pod and Service are not connected.
    • Type of service:
      • External : https://node-ip:port (for web server, for testing).
      • Internal: https:// db-service-ip:port (for backend services).
  • Ingress

    • Requests get received here, and then Ingress forward it to Service.
    • Kubernetes traffic gateway
  • ConfigMap

    • External config for your application.
  • Secrets

    • User stores secret data in Base64 format.
    • This doesn't make things secure by default, where you need 3rd party tools. (like Vault?)
    • Certificates get stored here as well.
  • Volumes

    • The component which attach storage to Pods, whether a local storage or remote storage (Cloud, etc. )
    • K8 doesn't manage data persistence, it's on you to backup it etc.
  • Deployment

    • Used for StateLess Apps
    • Blueprint for "my-app" podcs
    • A layer of abstractions of Pods (where you don't work with Pods directly)
  • Statefulset

    • Used for STATEFUL apps or Databases (but if it's 1 replica, it's okay to use deployment)
      • Examples:
        • Mongodb
        • Elastic
        • MySQL
    • You create those services using Statefulsets and not Deployments.
    • Will take care of replicating the Pods
    • Not easy to deploy stateful apps in K8
    • Sometimes you have put the database outside of K8

Kubernetes Configuration

  • API server is the gateway for the clients
  • Request is either in JSON or YAML

3 important parts in Kubrenetes configuration file

  1. Metadata: what we are creating, Service or xxxx)
  2. Specification: What is the specification of the container? (how many replica, what's the desired state)
  3. Status: Automatically generated and added by Kubernetes. The cluster information and containers state gets stored in etcd.

YAML Configuration File

  • Syntax: Strict indentation.

Demo time

Demo architecture

K8 Demo architecture

Notes while deploying the demo:

  • Pods has it own spec section.
  • It's common to put Deployment and Service in the same file.
  • Labels
    • Labels are external identifiers than can be attached to K8 containers
    • For Pods, Labels are required.
    • Label Selectors:
      • Identify a set of resources
      • Match all Pods with labels "app:nginx" → knows which Pods are part of this deployment
  • Service
    • Target port should always forward to Container port
    • You need to make the service accessible from outside, and this happen with Node port.
    • There's a range for NodePort that's already defined in Kubernetes, you cannot just use any port.
  • Before deploying
    • ConfigMAP & Secrets needs to exists before running deployments

Issues I ran into while deploying the demo

Useful commands

  • kubectl get all
  • kubectl get node -o wide
  • kubectl describe component name (i.e: pods ) id
  • kubectl rollout restart name
  • kubectl apply -f webapp.yaml (when you change configuration file)

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